August 2018 Meeting Minutes

Southeastern Elementary PTA Board Meeting
Sunday, August 12, 2018
4 pm
Blaire Culpepper
Jennifer Conley
Donna Weigand
Jessica Palmer
Amy Gerloff
Karina Ball
Suzie Christenson
Melissa Fuller
Bethany Haywood
Vania O’Keefe

I.         Call  Meeting  to  Order 4:20pm

II.        Approval  of  the  Minutes  (Recording Secretary) – May2018 meeting
a.        Blaire Culpepper
b.        Suzie Christenson

III.      Vote in New Treasurer –
a.     Signature card will be updated– need copies of IDs to take to bank this week
b.     Treasurer Report
o   Audit – passed, will get vote at open house
o   Balance  -
IV.      Goals and Business for 2018-19
a.     Membership goals: Principal goal: 100% faulty
       planning on membership/fundraiser movie night for families-Jessica Palmer to contact cinema cafe about popcorn-possible date September 20 @ 5:30-7:30pm-providing popcorn and pizza
       Vania looking into licensing for movie
       Blaire ordering pizza
       Budget $1000
       Ticket price TBD
b.     Fundraising goals $
       new media center/reading resource room
       door entrance rug $2000
       level reading materials $2000-3000
       STEM materials/resources
d.     School of Excellence renewal –Other goals? Revisit August 2019
V.        Fundraiser: Boosterthon
a.     Dates: Kick off Oct.1st, Assembly Oct. 2, Run Oct. 12
b.     T shirts: check to Bethany for $250, Blaire went to previous companies with letter
c.     Set expectations: $30,000
VI.      Major Events, set dates
a.     Open House dates
               Thursday, 8/30 
o               9:00 am – pre K and K- AM;
o               10:00 am – 4th grade;
o               11:00 am – K PM, 5th grade
               Friday 8/31   
o               9:00 am – 1st grade;
o               10:00 am -2nd grade;
o               11:00 am – 3rd grade
b.     Crossing guard events/ dates
               August 30/31st 8:30-12:30
               October 12 8:30-2:30
               Field Day-Date TBD
c.     Watch DOGS nights – Courtney Franklin- need a dad chair
               Fall-October 18th Dodgeball with Dads 6:30-8pm
               Spring- February 1st 7am Donuts with Dads 12 dozen donuts
               Black-out dates
               Courtney will handle the calendar and coordination efforts
d.     Chubby Pumpkin date- October 5th noon-10pm $600 for pizza
e.     Breakfast with Santa and Elf Shop – $1200 expense $1000 December 8th 8-11am
               discuss Elf Shop vendors – who would like to do the research on this? – use School Holiday Shop in the past
g.     Pizza Bingo March 5th @ 6-8pm
h.     Student/ Faculty Basketball game March 26 Vania reach out to Micheal
i.      SOL Jam- Donna will email date
VII.     General PTA meeting @ 6:30pm
a.     Sept 10, Oct 1, Nov 19, Jan 7, Feb 4, March 4, April 1, May 6
VIII.   Spirit Nights-revisit-talk to Claudia and Blaire
a.     Skinny Dip
b.     Chick fil A
c.     Other?
IX.      Committees
a.     Teacher Appreciation – Jessica
               Share plan for the year-same budget from 2017-2018
               Back to school breakfast
               Teacher appreciation week-through the decades
b.     Membership -
               Membership incentives – teacher reward for top classes, not just student reward
               Membership cards
               Teacher membership incentives

c.     Box Tops
               Review proposal
d.     Watch DOGS – need committee chair?
               New ideas/ improvements?
e.     Reflections – Lisa Getier
               Theme: Heros around me
f.      Volunteer –
               Collect and report hours via Raptor
               Please keep your logs and turn them into me by March 15th
g.     Beautification – $500
               Fall date ideas – pay Crew team again?
               Spring date ideas
h.     Communication –
               Newsletter – all electronic this year?
               Email addresses into mail chimp server so that individuals can opt out of receiving emails
i.      School of Excellence – need committee chair
               Survey electronically – beginning of the year
               Set goals
j.      Scholarship –
               Discuss more specific criteria
o   Currently says – “500 word essay on reflecting back on your days as a student at Southeastern Elementary School, what experiences prepared you for your upcoming role as an undergraduate student?" 
               Add different language in the application about what our criteria are

X.        Budget
a.     Discussion on items to use our money for this school year and VOTE
               Ideas brought up by teachers to us –
XI.      Any other discussion items?

XII.     Adjourn @ 7pm

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